Frequently Asked Questions​

Everything You Need To Know

Your curiosity and willingness to be a part of your own healing. If you have a yoga mat that you prefer to use, bring it. I supply all props and special equipment.

Bring or wear comfortable clothing that you’re able to move in. Sweat pants, yoga tights, or comfortable, loose pants are appropriate.

The length of time to feel improvement depends on a number of factors: whether an injury is chronic, and how long you’ve been experiencing pain; your own physical self-awareness and existing mind-body connection; how often you do your homework; the frequency of sessions. You should feel some improvements in our first session together; it generally takes 3-5 sessions for change to be sustainable.

Start as soon as you can!!! The power of therapeutic yoga and yoga therapy is in its ability to meet you where you are. One of the guiding principles of the therapeutic approach is to move in a range of motion that doesn’t increase pain – working within this principle enables me to help you out of pain more quickly, with simple and subtle movements.

Therapeutic movement is a great way to prepare for any surgery. Working pre-surgery to improve movement patterns and mind-body connection will pay off during recovery and rehabilitation.

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